C. Tyler Dennis

Software Engineer




CrossTrainerX App

A fitness app complete with a personalized recommendation engine that generates exercises for the user based on onboarding goals and post-workout surveys

Stack: Node.js, Express, MySQL

Source Code

Tokyo Metro

A dynamic web app that allows the user to view and manage all of the lines, stations, trains, and operators in the Tokyo Metro system, using data from the metro’s API

Stack: Node.js, Express, MySQL

Source Code

Wok in the Park

I created a Geocities-inspired website for a summer cookout event I was hosting to so I could tell my friends about it despite not having social media accounts

Stack: Node.js, Express, JS

Live Site


I created a webapp version of the desktop dice game Q-Less, allowing users to emulate the tabletop gaming experience from the web.

Stack: Node.js, Express, React

Source Code

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Online Pub Quiz

I created a RESTful API and database for an online pub quiz where users can add and delete questions and play the trivia game

Stack: Python, Flask,
Postgres, React

Source Code

Workout Tracker

I developed a workout tracking web app which allows you to manage a personalized exercise regimen.

Stack: Node, Express,
React, MongoDB

Source Code

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Fyyur: Booking Site

I built a RESTful API and a database for a site that allows artists and booking agents to manage pages for their bands and venues, and promote upcoming concerts

Stack: Python, Flask,
Postgres, JS/HTML/CSS

Source Code



For the final project of my Full Stack Web Development Nanodegree, I built an API and set up a database and multi-user authentication for a web app rolodex that allows musicians to store tune metadata

Stack: Python, Flask,
Postgres, Auth0

Source Code



Breakout Emulator

For the final project of my C++ Nanodegree, I built an emulator of the original console version of Breakout, as seen on Atari in 1976.

Stack: C++, SDL2.0

Source Code


Route Planner

I utilized the A* search algorithm to build a vehicle route planner that finds the most efficient path for a vehicle and plots the route using OpenStreetMap

Stack: C++, io2d, OpenStreetMap

Source Code


System Monitor

I built a Linux CLI system monitor (similar to top) utilizing an interface by ncurses and object-oriented programming principles

Stack: C++, ncurses

Source Code


Traffic Simulator

I implemented a thread-safe communication protocol (utilizing mutexes, locks, and a message queue) that allows vehicle, intersection, and traffic light objects to simulate traffic over maps of various cities

Stack: C++, OpenCV

Source Code